After 2005 this past year more or less established the nature of how my life will be lived at least in the foreseeable future. More traveling. More sights. More friends.
Here is the breakdown of 2007 by the numbers:
7 trips outside the US (OK, three were to Canada, but that one to British Columbia was pretty long)
New Countries visited: 8 (Lifetime total-36)
UNESCO World Heritage Sites: 12 (Lifetime total-38)
Blog posts: 205 (not bad!)
Nights on the road: 143 (Not an estimate this year)
Airplane Flights (As opposed to flights of fancy): 67 (Takeoffs and landings. Although it only requires a take off to qualify as a flight. Could count a parachute jump, if I had one, although I didn't. None since 1975.)
307 New friends. (Still an estimate.)
Miles run: 2525 (Pretty good I'd say. Ten more than last year and I basically ran zero in Sri Lanka and Central America, a total of almost two full months.)
Lifetime total: 95,194 (On schedule to reach 100,000 by age 60.)
New category-Books Read: 56
powered by frazy.comBut, old age looks back and youth looks forward. Forward is really all we have, so that's where I'm headed. I want to head back to Sri Lanka for the Kandy Esala Perahera and a reunion with my friends, elephant and human, in August. One of my amigos and I plan on following Wellington's Peninsular Campaign trail in Spain and Portugal. I would love to go back to British Columbia to visit the Orcas again.
AND there are a couple more Middle East trips in the hopper. Morocco calls.
And one other big thing. I was walking the dog about a month ago when I distinctly felt the winds of change. I just sensed something big in the air. I have decided to sell my house. With luck this time next year I will have sold the ranch and moved on to new digs. Where that will be I don't know. But, I have some ideas. Read Horace Greeley.
I scratched alot of itches this past year. But, I still have loads of itches left.
See you out there...