Reliable sources inform me I have not posted here since April 29th.
My excuse is I have no excuse. Just haven´t heard the muse.
So...I´ve been in Peace Corps 14 months as of tomorrow. The day-to-day is pretty unremarkable.
Oh! I have started teaching reading at Rethuseng, the local Junior Secondary School. Forms two and three. That´s like 9th and 10th grades. About 30 and odd kids in each class. Once a week.
So far I´ve done it once. It was fun. Their reading level is below what I´d expect for kids that age. But that´s just me. Overall they seem nice. It´s something to do that feels good.
I´m closing in on 100,000 miles run lifetime (not counting the army). I want to hit that milestone by my 60th birthday. Got less than 500 miles and about seven months to do it. Shouldn´t be a problem.
Starting to think about life post-Peace Corps. Got some ideas, but don´t want to discuss them here yet.
Otherwise everything goes well here.