Saturday, July 16, 2005

Sri Lanka Here I Come!!

This will probably be my last post for a few days or maybe a couple weeks at least. In two days I head out to Sri Lanka for my friend's daughter's wedding and some exploration time.

You know I've been to some beautiful and amazing places in the last four years: Costa Rica, Japan, Taiwan, Nepal, China, Korea, India, Pakistan, Beirut, Berlin, Singapore and of course, Puerto Rico to name a few. But, for my money Sri Lanka is the most beautiful of all (Costa Rica is right up there with Beirut right on it's tail). Everything you ever heard or saw about the Garden of Eden applies here (Except of course their civil war. But, the Garden of Eden had it's own issues too, so OK.)

Many people think I am going to move there. I tell you it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility. It's that kind of place. I plan to commune with the elephants, meditate and share time with some people who are very dear to me.

(By the way, the picture was taken in 2003. It's the Buddhist Temple of the Tooth Relic in Kandy, Sri Lanka. I will spent some time there too. A wonderful place.)

To those who tell me I am slacking in my posts, I apologize. I've been lacking postable inspiration lately. I need to get more material.

To those who wonder if I might be a Democrat, the answer is Y.E.S.!!! It's we liberals who are holding what's left of what America set out to be together. The sooner our Liberal leaders figure this out, the better for us and the world. Any questions?

Peace, Y'all. Wigal, out.

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