Tuesday, June 26, 2007



At 12:15AM Pacific Daylight Time today, amidst hundreds of fans, papparazzi and curious morons and on live nationwide TV, celebrity skank Paris Hilton did the reverse perp walk from some county jail in LA into the waiting arms of mommy and daddy in their black Caddie Escalade. The for-some-unknown-reason-popular Miss Hilton earned her release after, I don't know, two or three weeks of jail time for some kind of driving infraction involving alcohol. Really, who gives a shit?

Meanwhile the number of Americans killed in the Iraq misadventure approaches 4,000, civil war has plunged that poor country into bloody chaos. Tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been slaughtered. Cheney runs the government he was not elected to.

Go back to sleep.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Peace Corps Update

Had my second interview just now with the Peace Corps recruiter. My application process is moving along and my next piece will be a nomination. We went over several opportunities for service. Most are in the field of non-profit group or NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) advising. They also include HIV/AIDS teaching. Almost all Peace Corps postings involve that.

So here were the postings she had available for my time frame:

1. April 2008, sub-Saharan Africa
2. June 2008, Eastern Europe
3. May-Jun 2008, The Caucasus
4. Jun 2008, Caribbean (non-Spanish speaking)
5. June 2008, sub-Saharan Africa
6. March 2008, North Africa (Morocco)
7. June 2008, Central Asia/Asia
8. April 2008, sub-Saharan Africa

My two preferences, in order, are Numbers 1 and 6. She said I have a 50/50 chance of getting one of those two.

Now I have to get my medical and legal clearances. Those could take as long as six month.

Do you hear that? My new future approaches.

So does yours.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Celebrity News

1. Inmate Paris Hilton's mother is kinda hot. More so than Paris. Her Dad looks like a dick though.

2. Keith Olbermann is fantastic as host on MSNBC's Countdown. But, his replacement when he is away, Allison Stewart, is hilarious. She needs her own show.

Speaking of the Peace Corps

They contacted me yesterday. I have a second phone interview tomorrow. I thought the first one went very well. Can't help wondering what the second one will be about. Do you think they found out about my "Crime of Passion?"

Today's Quote

Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.

Betty Smith

(She died in 1972, so there will be no contact for book purposes.)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The March Toward 100 Books read in 2007 Continues

I’m shooting for one hundred books this year. I may go broke doing it. I have a thing against going to the library. Amazon.com is my crack cocaine. Barnes and Noble my methadone. Borders my caffeine. Wal-Mart my cigarette butt found on the sidewalk.

Check my progress to date.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Peace Corps Blogs

I'm really getting into this Peace Corps thing. It turns out there is a website in which you can link to blogs of what shall hereinafter be referred to as PCVs (Peace Corps Volunteers).

I haven't read them all. There must be hundreds. But, the level of grammar in the ones I HAVE read is distressing. You know, I like text messaging. But, you shouldn't write in a blog or other written communication they same way you text. In fact, you should not write in the same way as you talk or think.

I mean, LOL u r so stoopid if u do.

Like scratching a blackboard with ur fingernails.