Thursday, June 14, 2007

Peace Corps Update

Had my second interview just now with the Peace Corps recruiter. My application process is moving along and my next piece will be a nomination. We went over several opportunities for service. Most are in the field of non-profit group or NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) advising. They also include HIV/AIDS teaching. Almost all Peace Corps postings involve that.

So here were the postings she had available for my time frame:

1. April 2008, sub-Saharan Africa
2. June 2008, Eastern Europe
3. May-Jun 2008, The Caucasus
4. Jun 2008, Caribbean (non-Spanish speaking)
5. June 2008, sub-Saharan Africa
6. March 2008, North Africa (Morocco)
7. June 2008, Central Asia/Asia
8. April 2008, sub-Saharan Africa

My two preferences, in order, are Numbers 1 and 6. She said I have a 50/50 chance of getting one of those two.

Now I have to get my medical and legal clearances. Those could take as long as six month.

Do you hear that? My new future approaches.

So does yours.

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