Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I Still Laugh Every Time I See This Commercial

This is the GEICO ad featuring the cave man and the therapist. Anyone acquainted with my wife Jan, who was a psychologist, knows she would have loved this commercial.

I always wish she could be here to see it.

Along with about a jillion other things...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Some Personal Information

This blog is almost three years old. I've written about a lot of things. Except for things about Mick and Jan I've kept my personal relationships out of this for the most part. I'll probably continue to do that.

But as it happens I have started to see someone. I know, I know, it's crazy to be doing this when I'm leaving for Africa in about fifty days. What woman would spend emotional currency on a guy who is going to disappear for 27 months?

Since this is my blog and not hers I'll keep the details about her out of it. Except for one little item.

If you follow my bloviating you may find this disturbing. It seems, uh, ahem, er, that she is, apparently, sigh (how do I say this?)...a Republican.

Oh, the bitter irony!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Here's How I See It Going Down...

Watched the latest Democrat debate last night. Hillary vs. Barack. Of course the "Talking Heads" have to parse every statement. Who looked "Presidential." Who scored the best on various issues. Blah. Blah. Blah.

But a thought occurred to me. There will either be a woman or a black man as the Democratic party nominee. That's a BIG change for a nation accustomed to old, white men running the show. But change comes ALWAYS incrementally. A matter of degrees.

It all became clear. The voters (Democratic voters) will go for what they feel most comfortable with. Forget Hillary's negatives. Forget Barack's style vs substance issues. Policy-wise there is very little difference. We will nominate Barack. Not because he's a black man. But because he's a MAN. It's the closest to our comfort zone.

Come November it will be man e mano. Then it will be a young dynamic man vs. an old guy who suddenly looks very tired.

So turn out the lights. Hillary's party is over.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Couple Thoughts About Obama

I hear all this business about Barack Obama's lack of experience and how he is not qualified to be President. How he is good with the inspirational speech, but lacks "substance."

To address each point: The current sorry-assed excuse for an administration is LOADED with experience. Darth Cheney was Ronald Reagan's Secretary of Defense if you will recall. Rumsfeld, Rove, all those clowns brought decades of political experience to the table. Look where it got us.

As to lack of substance, the last Antichrist (before Cheney), Ronald Reagan was nothing BUT style. Mr. "Shining City on the Hill" could do little more than read his TelePrompter like the Hollywood ham he was. A lot of people got rich on the backs of the poor under his watch.

So spare me the garbage. I'll take an intelligent, inspirational President every day. Guess that lets President Sock Puppet out of the discussion.

Obama takes the Oval Office by the way. My call.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Negro Mountain Revisited

Just received a comment on a post I put up last year about Negro Mountain in Maryland. At the time I wondered how it's name was derived. One lurker suggested a Spanish origin. I didn't think it likely as the Spanish weren't much of a presence in that neck of the woods.

This post from Blackprof.com perhaps shed a little more light on the topic.

Check this Out...

Each of us here in the western world use on average 32 times the resources of those in developing countries. Are our lives 32 times more important, more significant, more worthwhile than theirs? Look at this and think about it...