Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Botswana Update

I have it on good authority the following will be my postal address for the first couple months in Bots:

Mike Wigal
U.S. Peace Corps
Private Bag 00243

I accept cash, checks and money orders. And cookies...


Union Station said...

So will it be like sending something in the US, i.e. cheap? Do they use the diplomatic bag service? Can I send you state secrets?

Unknown said...

It won't be cheap. I sent 20 lbs of books to myself yesterday at a cost of $82. A small price to pay for reading material and swap bait.

When you say state secrets do you mean Georgia? Who cares about Georgia

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Anthrax? Sure. You may want to. After all I just pitched all your stuff in the trash.

Jan said...

when will you actually 'leave' for your assignment? i wish you well! i'll check in from time to time...

Anonymous said...

Am I the good authority? Cause that would awesome!