Thursday, July 23, 2009

Artsy Fartsy

I did this over the weekend. From looking at my last post you can see my immediate inspiration. It was a combination mosaic/water colour (get that UK spelling?)with salt, Thokolosi salts (don't ask) and some kind of beans (mung?).

There's one part I'm particularly proud of. I posted this directly on facebook and no one got it.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! You ARE artistic. Is the material similar to the Elephant Dung paper??? I'm sending some of that to Mick. I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,

Bobby Tumpak told me to check out your blog as I have just started mine. I like what I have read. Your story is inspirational.

I hope you don't mind that I have added your blog address to my own blog.

All the best.