Thursday, January 26, 2006

True Confessions...

OK, I have a confession to make. First,I NEVER park in a handicap parking place. Never mind the "handicapped" get all the best places and just how often do you see an actual handicapped person parked in one. (In my mind those little blue tags hanging down from the rearview mirror don't count. You gotta have the license plates.)

But, I digress. Here's my confession: I ALWAYS use the handicap stalls in public restrooms. ALWAYS. I've yet to see a guy in a wheel chair waiting for one. Personally, when I'm in an airport waiting for a flight and I have a carry-on, a brief case or backpack and a coat I NEED more room than those normal tiny stalls provide. And sometimes the commodes are slightly elevated for ease of use. I feel like a King! They're always cleaner than regular stalls too.

Yet another disturbing look into the mind of me.


Anonymous said...

You have definitely got TOO MUCH TIME on your hands.

(yep, I do the exact same thing - love those handicapped potty stalls)

Unknown said...

This toilet post has officially reached the "most comments" level (3).
Unbelieveable. All the places I've been and all the stuff I've done and THIS is number one!

Seems I've a nerve of some sort...