Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Supremes

The Wack-job Right of our Amurikan political spectrum rails against the "activist" court system. They can't STAND the idea of a third branch of government with veto power over the legislation and Presidency. Especially since they now control both. "Strict Constructionism" is their call of the day.

So can someone explain to me how the Right's call (or temper tantrum) for someone with their belief system be appointed to the Supreme Court is NOT judicial activism? They clearly want a fifth vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. And that's just for starters.

Seems to me the beauty of the whole idea of our court system is the ability to stop politicians of ALL stripes from getting carried away with themselves. (The pols hate THAT idea I can tell you) Look, politicians live for one thing and one thing only: to get elected and re-elected. To do so they have to bamboozle as many voters as possible. So, they troll for the lowest common denominator amongst the populace for votes. One way they do that is to enact legislation that often ignores the basic rules of the game, the Bill of rights and the Constitution. We need our courts to counter balance that.

So basically let's just cut the crap. The Right wants activist judges. The Left wants activist judges. The Center needs activist judges. Admit it and go with it.

1 comment:

me said...

Something is clearly wrong with this world when the first response to a great post like yours is from "porn passwords" LOL.
In my humble CDN opinion, your post was right on the money!
In Canada, the news of the day is a patronage scandal that might lead to a Christmas election. I mean many of the elecorate are going to wander their turkey stuffed bodies down to the local polling station on Dec. 27?
It all makes me wonder...if there was ever a time when politics wasn't so full of innane mind games.