Sunday, October 23, 2005


Why do I go to the bother and expense to travel internationally. I can see more exotic, strange and foreign people within a ten minute drive of my house than in the entire continent of Asia.

Standing in line at the local Wal-Mart today (for 30 minutes to buy seven items) I saw a guy with a skull tattoo ON HIS FREAKIN'FOREHEAD! Like two inches by one in size! ON HIS FREAKIN' FOREHEAD! You don't want to stare, but how can you not? You just keep stealing glances at it. Just to make sure you're seeing what you think you're seeing.

There was another cat who had these loop ring-things in his earlobes. I swear to you the holes in his earlobes were wide enough you could run a garden hose through each of them.

National Geographic magazine doesn't even come up with pictures like this anymore. I would have taken some pictures for proof, but it might have been out of place. You know, how the Amish and other ethnicities forbid photos of themselves? You'll just have to trust me on this one. Or not. I don't care. You can't make this stuff up.

Also, I'm pretty sure there were more than a few aliens roaming the aisles. Not the illegal, undocumented type. Although I'll lay you odds a few of them were floating around. I'm talking about the E.T.-types. What else could explain it? I don't think a circus freak show was in town. Back in ye olden days people in small towns used to pay cash money to see the kinds of human anomalies you see every day in EVERY Wal-Mart right here in the good ol' O.S.A. That would be the Obese States of America.

I guess one gets blind to the poundage we Amurikans are toting around these days. But, I've really noticed it alot since I came back from across the pond. Sure, you see some big-like folks in other countries. But, not like this. We are growin' some awfully big wide-bodies anymore.

It's not a good look.

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